Saturday, 7 March 2015

How I Ended Up on a Low Carb, High Fat Diet and Stuff I've Learned Along the Way [Part II]

When writing last week's post it was getting a bit long so here is Part II . . .

Here is some stuff I've learned in my journey so far:
  • There's not an exact "one-size-fits-all" diet that is going to suit everybody's needs.
  • With our modern Western Diet most of us are not getting adequate supplies of the nutrients our bodies need to function the way that they were designed to.  Often we are blocking our body's ability to absorb and use some of the nutrients that we are consuming because of the refined and processed foods we are also eating, medications we are taking or other lifestyle factors like smoking or over-consumption of caffeine and alcohol.  [The Science of Skinny by Dee McCaffrey and Drug Muggers by Suzy Cohen RPh]
  • Getting nutrients from unprocessed whole foods is better and safer than taking supplements because there is still so much that scientists don't yet understand about what's in real whole foods, so manufactured supplements are just not the same.  Eating a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods is the best way to avoid over-dosing or getting nutrients in the wrong balance.  [The Wahls Protocol by Dr Terry Wahls]
  • Grains, nuts and seeds contain phytic acid, also know as "anti-nutrients" which bind to minerals in the gut preventing mineral absorption.  They also contain enzyme inhibitors which suppress the proper function of digestive enzymes leading to poor digestion and digestive discomfort.  Preparation methods that include soaking and/or fermenting before cooking help to neutralise the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors making the grains, nuts and seeds more digestible and their nutrients more available. [Sourdough ebook by Wardeh Harmon and the GNOWFGLINS Team and the Western A Price Foundation]