Sunday, 16 June 2013

Information: Drink Water

As a kid I wasn't too fond of water. You know it just, well, tasted too much like water! I drank a lot of cordial growing up. I learned to like water a lot more after I moved to a tropical climate. I started to carry a water bottle around with me in the car. I'd half fill a bottle and freeze it and then just top it up with water from the tap. This worked rather well for instant cold water.

It wasn't until I followed the detox program and had to drink two to three litres per day that I started to measure how much water I was drinking and discovered that most days I wasn't having enough. This is something that I have become very diligent about as I feel it has been a real key in reducing my migraines and increasing my energy. I recommend you get a good water bottle and carry it with you where ever you go. As soon as it's empty, fill it up again. It takes a bit of discipline at first but after a while it becomes a habit.

Read this article about dehydration. You will be surprised at the health issues that can be caused simply by not drinking enough water each day:

~ take every opportunity to DRINK WATER and to put the good stuff in ~

This blog is about me, what I'm doing, what's working for me, and what's not. It includes my experiences and opinions. It is for general information only and is in no way intended to replace the advice of a health care professional.

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