Thursday, 10 October 2013

Healthy Mashed Potato

This is something I learned from an Italian friend.  Boil or microwave potatoes in their jackets and then mash using extra virgin olive oil.  I was a little horrified the first time I saw my friend dousing the potatoes with olive oil but now I understand that this is a healthy choice.

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a good fat that helps to make us feel full, helps our bodies to absorb vitamins and nutrients from other foods, and gives us energy.  Choose the Extra Virgin variety because it undergoes the least amount of processing.
  • Keep the skin on the potatoes because for vegetables that grow under the ground most of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals are just under the skin
It's also dairy free.

~ take every opportunity to put the good stuff in ~

This blog is about me, what I'm doing, what's working for me, and what's not. It includes my experiences and opinions. It is for general information only and is in no way intended to replace the advice of a health care professional.

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